Verbs and Conjugations

The chart below lists the nominative or subjective case of PA-German personal pronouns.


Personal Pronouns




First person

ich / I

miah / we

Second person

du / you

diah / you

Third person

eah / he

si / they

Third person

see / she


Third person

es / it



Verbs- Present Tense

In most languages verbs change form, usually by adding different endings to make them agree with the subject in person (first, second, or third) and number (singular or plural).  This is called conjugation.  In English verbs don't have as many different forms as some languages.

Example: I go, He goes.

In PA-German the verbs have many forms to agree with the subject in person and number. 

The present tense forms of a PA-German verb are illustrated below.


lawfa - to walk




First person

ich lawf

miah lawfa

Second person

du lawfsht

diah lawfet

Third person

eah/see/es  lawft

si lawfa


All PA-German verbs which follow the pattern shown above are called regular verbs.  Verbs which do not follow this pattern are called irregular verbs.

The verb form given at the top- lawfa, is called the infinitive or dictionary form.  It is the form you would find in a dictionary.  The PA-German infinitive usually ends in a.  The English infinitive is usually preceded by the word to.  Thus, the PA-German infinitive lawfa, is equivalent to the English infinitive to walk.

Verb Conjugations

Here are many of the most common Pennsylvania German verb conjugations.

You can also download a list of these verb conjugations in a pdf file.


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